13 Eylül 2017 Çarşamba

The Jewish problem is actually a Turkic problem

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Bu işin temellerini açıklayan bir makaledir.
Evet, Yahudi problemi aslında bir Türk problemidir.

İbranilerin anlatıp durdukları o masal aslında gerçekten de bir masaldır.
İşin esası başkadır.

Yahudi denilenlerin büyük bölümü Jade taşını hem ticaret hem de değişim aracı olarak kullanan çoğunluğu Türklerden oluşan özellikle de İpek Yolu güzergahında yaşayan tarihin ilk özel meslek loncasını oluşturan halktır.

13ncü kavim diye sonradan monte edilen ama aslında işin taa en başıdan beri orta yerinde yer alan kavim Türklerdir.
Kırım, Tatar, Azeri, Hazar, Aşkenaz Türkleri.

Oraj POYRAZ ( 0raj.p0yraz@neomailbox.net / oraj.poyraz@openmail.cc / oraj_poyraz@alpinaasia.com )

The Jewish problem is actually a Turkic problem

February 18, 2016

The Jewish problem is actually a                  Turkic problem

The Jewish problem is actually a Turkic problem

Yiddish was the everyday language of most Jews in Eastern Europe (Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, and parts of Hungary and Czechoslovakia) for 1,000 years. The term "Yiddish" is derived from the German word for "Jewish." The most accepted (but not the only) theory of the origin of Yiddish is that it began to take shape by the 10th century as Jews from France and Italy migrated to the Rhine Valley. They developed a language that included elements of Hebrew, and French, Italian, and German dialects. In the late middle Ages, when Jews settled in Eastern Europe, Slavic elements were incorporated into Yiddish.

In linguistics, mutual intelligibility is a relationship between languages or dialects in which speakers of different but related varieties can readily understand each other without intentional study or special effort. As for: Azerbaijani, Crimean Tatar, Gagauz, Turkish and Urum (partially and asymmetrically and also for: German and Yiddish language is clearly was made by the Khazar Ashkenazim Jews in Germany in the same way which they produced.

The Judeo-Spanish language is commonly referred to as Ladino. Ladino is a language derived from medieval Spanish, with influences from other languages such as Aragonese, Astur-Leonese, Catalan, Galician-Portuguese, and Mozarabic. Ladino also has vocabulary from Ottoman Turkish, Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic, French, Italian, Greek, Bulgarian and Serbo-Croatian. The Turkish government promoted Turkish language and suppressed the Kurdish language. Ladino was not suppressed, but according to scholars, the community itself helped to suppress it.

The Sephardim Are Also Turkic Just Like the Ashkenazim. Sephardim Jews, also known as Sephardic Jews or simply Sephardim "The Jews of Spain", are a Jewish ethnic division whose ethno-genesis and emergence as a distinct community of Jews coalesced in the Iberian Peninsula around the start of the 2nd millennium (i.e., about the year 1000).

The Sephardim established communities throughout Spain and Portugal, where they traditionally resided; evolving what would become their distinctive characteristics and diasporic identity. Their millennial residence as an open and organized Jewish community in Iberia was brought to an end starting with the Alhambra Decree by Spain's Catholic Monarchs in the late 15th century, which resulted in a combination of internal and external migrations, mass conversions and executions.

Here are few related articles:

Jesus Christ was Crucified by Turkic Jews NOT by Romans

The Turkic Origin of Jews Made in Babylonian Iraq in 530 BC

Replacing Semitic Judeans and Torah with Turkic Jews and Talmud

The Jewish problem is actually a                  Turkic problem

The Jewish problem is actually a Turkic problem

To find out the true origin of the Sephardim

It is necessary first to answer the following crucial questions:

1- When the Sephardim appeared in world history? The answer: immediately after the Turkic invasion and enslavement of North Africa under their false flags of Islam, and Arab imperialism.

2- From where the Sephardim came to the Iberian Peninsula? The answer: from Turkey and other Turkic colonies via North Africa.

3- To where the Sephardim went after their expulsion from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492? The answer: mainly to Turkey and North Africa; and some went to Western Europe.

4- Who helped the Sephardim most after their expulsion from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492? The answer: only the Turkic Ottoman Empire.

5- How the Sephardim lived in before, during and after their stay in the Iberian Peninsula? The answer: in Turkic invasions, occupation and slavery, money, prostitution businesses in Iberia and all Africa.

6- How their language, Ladino, is related to other languages? The answer: many borrowings from Turkish and to a lesser extent from Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, and French.

7- What are the results of the Genetic studies of the Sephardim? The answer: The Turks are all over the world and their genetic are heavily mixed like no other nation despite the claims of Jewish marriage rules; but still they resemble other Turkic groups.

(The processes of inventing Jews, the Talmud, and Judaism is explained in the following article: The Invention of Judaism in Babylonian Iraq and in another article Replacing Semitic Judeans and Torah with Turkic Jews and Talmud)

The six Turkic groups are:

1- Turkic Muslim in Anatolia and Balkan, (fake Caucasians since Byzantine–Seljuq wars in 1048 Ad),

2- Turkic Shia Persians (fake Iranians since the Achaemenids in 550 BC),

3- Turkic Khazar Zionist Jews (fake Israelite since the tricky Babylonian "Return" in 520 BC),

4- Turkic rulers of Arabia (fake Arabs, following the death of Islam in 655 AD),

5- Turkic "Hindu" Indians and Gypsy (fake Aryans since the Persian conquest in 530 BC), and

6- Turkic Europeans (fake liberal Christians since the "Holy" "Roman" "Empire" in 962 AD)

Turkic 6 groups

This is yet strong evidence that almost all Jews in the World are not Semitic at all; and they are originally from central Asia and not the Levant. The creation of the State of Israel is the work of Turkic peoples under the leadership of Turkey and the Turkic ruling elites in the Gulf Arab states.

New Genetic Research Confirms Koestler's "Khazar" Theory! Ashkenazi Jews Are Not The Jews of The Bible! In 2012, a major genetic study of Ashkenazim was led by Johns Hopkins geneticist Eran Israeli-Elhaik. It concentrates on the compelling genetic evidence that eastern European Jewry's roots are not just in the Mid-East but, perhaps even more so, in the Caucasus, the mountainous heartland of ancient Khazaria. (See "The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses").

pan-tu13Research Article "The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses" by Eran Israeli-Elhaik, Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA, 21208. McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA, 21208.

Conclusions: We compared two genetic models for European Jewish ancestry depicting a mixed Khazarian-European-Middle Eastern and sole Middle Eastern origins. Contemporary populations were used as surrogate to the ancient Khazars and Judeans, and their relatedness to European Jews was compared over a comprehensive set of genetic analyses. Our findings support the Khazarian Hypothesis depicting a large Caucasus ancestry along with Southern European, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European ancestries, in agreement with recent studies and oral and written traditions.

We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaized Khazars, Greco-Romans and Mesopotamian Jews, and Judeans and that their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga with roots stretching to Canaan and the banks of the Jordan. Download the report from here

So it is clear that there is no political difference between Israel and Turkey. But only that Israel is the place for elite Turks. The Turks are all over the region and especially in elite families in the Gulf Arab oil states and in North Africa. Israel is a very small part of the Turkic picture only. They have mutual gains with the governments in USA and Europe and that is why they are allies.

The Russian Empire at one time hosted the largest population of Jews in the world. Within these territories the primarily Ashkenazi Jewish communities of many different areas flourished and developed many of modern Judaism's most distinctive theological and cultural traditions

is this another proof that the Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites and they are Asian Turkic? If so then Anti-Semitism is actually Anti-Turkism.

It is getting clearer by the day that secret societies are actually representing just only one group of people with different nationalities and religions. All of them have Turkic Khazar blood. These people are the elite families in the Gulf Arab Muslim oil-doms, Zionist non-Semite Jewish Israelis, ruling Turks in Islamist Turkey, and the big Ashkenazim and Sephardim bankers and main corporations in the Christian and secular US and Europe.

The elite families in the Gulf Arab oil-doms they are not Arabs and were not made by Arabs. Turkey and Israel are two faces for the same coin that is the Turkic peoples. It is convincing and very important to understand that the Jewish problem is actually a bad misrepresentation of the Turkic problem.

This old misconception is not only damaging Iran, Russia, Germany but also all Europe and even the true Israelite and the whole world without exception. The Turkic Khazars split into both Ashkenazim and Sephardim and other smaller groups.

Hitler and the Nazi were against the Khazar Ashkenazi m in Germany and in the Slavic Eastern Europe. It is impossible to tell if Hitler knew that they are not Semites and definitely not Israelite, but only new Asian pretentious converts. So Hitler was actually not Anti-Semitic or Anti Slavic but Anti Turkic, even if it was apparent to him; because those Jews of Germany and Europe and the USA are not Semitic but Turkic.

Once the world identifies their origin and history it would be much easier to consolidate the lines and strengthen the international support from the Americas up to Russia and Japan including Africa and Asia. The acts of the Turks and Ottomans are well known in Anatolia, Caucasus, Greece, the Balkan, North Africa, the rest of Africa, Arab countries, and even India and China. Telling the truth shall not be labeled anti-Semitic. Those known as capitalists or communists who claim to be Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Israel, Arabia, Anatolia, Europe and USA are barricading behind fake religions, history and ideologies. It is necessary to dismantle their covers first.

This is to explain that, after decades of media brainwash, it is difficult to discover that the devastation of Communism, Capitalism, and fabricated religions. Such degenerating ideas were threatening the Germans, and that is why they created Nazism to avoid the terrible fate of Russia and of all Europe. They worked hard to protect themselves and Europe from the Turkic people who called themselves Jews.

The original Semitic Israeli nation was shocked and was terrified and the Turkic Khazar Jews manipulated this situation for their interests. Calling Hitler's and Nazi's actions against Turkic Khazar Jews as Anti-Semitism is ironic since the Khazar Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites at all. The Ashkenazim as well as the Sephardim are systematically trying to deny that their true origin and the origin of their Yiddish and Ladino Languages are from Turkic Khazar. They both claim that their Zionist ambitions and businesses are legitimate, nationalistic and religious.



A Short Introduction to Pan-Turanism By: Dr Kaveh Farrokh

What is pan-Turanianism? Simply put, pan-Turanianism is an ideology that aims at creating a Turkic super state stretching from the Balkans in Europe, eastwards across Turkey, Iran (Persia), the Caucasus, Central Asia up to and including northwest China. The logic behind this is that all people who speak Turkish must be incorporated into this Turkic super state.

Hungarian pan-Turanianist activists go even further. They have proposed that the entire Eurasian landmass between Hungary and Norway in Europe to Japan and Korea was once an empire known as "Turania". Apart from non-scholastic websites, no linguistic, anthropological and archeological evidence for such an empire exists.

Pan-Turanian racialists and historians would beg to differ. They are impervious to logical explanations even in the face of hard evidence. Such is the case of all who are infected with the virulent virus of racialism.

Pan-Turanianism, like Nazi "racial sciences", or Stalinist "History", has failed to convince the majority of western scholarship to its cause, and has been as equally unsuccessful in Eastern Europe, with the exception of Hungary and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

12744598_10207255420156607_8157750503597975473_nMuch of pan-Turanian ideology is similar to pan-Germanic racism and Nazism; philosophies from which the Grey Wolves and pan-Turanian ideologues have drawn much of their inspiration (see Parts III & IV). Like the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s, the pan Turanian Turks envision their Turan super-state (like the Nazi "Germania"), in terms of "lebensraum" (German for "living space") for all Turkic speaking peoples. The late president of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Abulfazl Elchibey (1938-2000), a Grey Wolf sympathizer himself (see Part II, item 4), is reputed to have stated that "…the road to Turkistan runs through Tabriz". Tabriz has been an integral part of Persia for thousands of years.

Pan-Turanianism is perhaps one of the last racialist movements that first began in the 19th century. Traditional history cites its early origins amongst Ottoman officers and intelligentsia studying and residing in 1870s Imperial Germany. The fact that many Ottoman Turkish officials were becoming aware of their sense of "Turkishness" is beyond doubt of course, and the role of subsequent nationalists, such as Ziya Gokalp (see Part II, item 7a) is fully established historically.

the Grey Wolves and pan-Turanian                  ideologues

the Grey Wolves and pan-Turanian ideologues

Pan-Turanian ideologues have placed a very high priority on re-inventing past history. Much of this is based on the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk (1881-1938) (see photo below), who stated that: "Writing history is as important as making history"

Turkic History in 6-minute video

History of the Jews in Spain

Origins and History of Sephardic Jewry





a45UyF587661-170913223215 Oraj Poyraz At Alpinaasia oraj_poyraz@alpinaasia.com
2017/09/14  00:20 2  65  alelma@yahoogroups.com


. . . . . .
Istek ve ask onlari kavramis saclarindan
Surukluyordu. Gok mordu;
Ayisigi ihtiyar cinar agaclarindan
Yuzlerine dusuyordu.
. . . . . .
Fisil fisil binlerce dudakti yapraklari
Dalciklarin kuytularda;
Onlarin da kopmus birer yaprak, dudaklari
Akip gidiyor sularda.
. . . . . .
Surukleniyordu askin sesine dogru;
Askin cagrisi tez, keskin.
Bir ates yaniyordu Sibiryalarinda bu
I$iksiz serserilerin:
. . . . . .
Bu ihlamur kokusu, ah!
Ya gorunmez gullerin kokulari! .. - Hep pusu
Hep pusu bana, kah kah kah...
. . . . . .
Parmaklarin saclarimi.
Bu gece butun omrum yasasin istiyorum
Doyur butun aclarimi!
. . . . . .
Birleselim bu gece tek bir goguste atan
Kalbinde bin sevismenin.
Icsem su damlayan ayisigini dallardan
Ak sudu sanki memenin.
. . . . . .
Olsek bile ne cikar! tek boyle sarmas dolas
Suracikta sabah sabah
Birbirinde baslamis, birbirinde tukenmis
Iki olucuk... - Kah kah kah...
. . . . . .
Erkek susamis yilan gibi sokulgan, kivrak
Uzaniyor gozlerine;
Bir sey bosaliyor lik lik lik, kadinda sicak
Bir kan gibi ta derine.

Ahmet Muhip DRANAS

Ankara dakiler Kars i almislar.
Demek ki islemedigimiz bir hata kalmisti.
Ermenistan a taarruz ile onu da tamamladik...
Ankara yarani nihayet meramlarina erdiler.
Ermenistan a yuruduler.
Kars i isgal ettiler.

Yazar ve Nazir Ali Kemal - 11.11.1920

Muhammed in Hitap Ettigi Ayetler

Aslinda bu makaledeki esas konumuz yukarida ele alinandan cok daha dusundurucu: Muhammed in agzindan cikan ayetler!
11. Hud Suresi, 2. ayet:
Bu Kitap Allah tan baskasina ibadet etmemeniz icin indirildi. Kuskusuz, ben size O ndan gelen bir uyarici ve mujdeciyim.
Acik sekilde gorulmektedir ki bu ayette konusan Muhammeddir. Bir gaf yaparak ayeti kendi dilinden yazdirtmistir.
Bu gafi farkeden ama ortmeye calisan kimi mealciler (Kuran i Turkceye ceviren yazarlar), ayetin orijinalinde bulunmayan de ki sozcugunu meale parantez icinde koymaktadirlar:
(De ki: Bu Kitap) Allah tan baskasina ibadet etmemeniz icin (indirildi). Suphesiz ki ben, onun tarafindan size (gonderilmis) bir uyarici ve mujdeleyiciyim.
Kuran meali kitaplarinda parantez icinde yazilan kelimeler, Bu sozcukler Kuran in orijinalinde yok ama siz Kuran i daha iyi anlayasiniz diye bunu ekledik anlamina gelmektedir. Yukaridaki mealde de ayetteki carpiklik ortulmek istenerek orijinalde bulunmayan de ki sozcugu parantez icinde eklenmistir.
Toplam yedi ayetten ibaret olan Fatiha Suresi de ayni mahiyettedir:
1. Rahman ve rahim olan Allah in adiyla.
2. Hamd (ovme ve ovulme), alemlerin Rabbi Allah a mahsustur.
3. O, rahmandir ve rahimdir.
4. Ceza gununun malikidir.
5. (Rabbimiz!) Ancak sana kulluk ederiz ve yalniz senden medet umariz.
6. Bize dogru yolu goster.
7. Kendilerine lutuf ve ikramda bulundugun kimselerin yolunu; gazaba ugramislarin ve sapmislarin yolunu degil!
Gene pek acik gorulmektedir ki ayetler Allah in dilinden yazilmamistir. Allah, siz bana boyle dua edin de dememistir. Fatiha Suresi nde konusan kisi belli ki bir insandir. O halde hitapda gaf yapilarak acik verilmistir.
Benzeri durum Zariyat Suresi nin 50. ve 51. ayetlerinde de soz konusudur:
50- O halde hemen Allah a kacin; haberiniz olsun ki, ben size ondan gelen acik bir uyariciyim.
51-Allah la beraber baska bir tanri uydurmayin; haberiniz olsun ki ben size ondan gelen acik bir uyariciyim.
Pek aciktir ki bu Kuran ayetlerinde konusan Allah degil Muhammedin kendisidir.
Peki o donemlerde bunlari farkedenler yok muydu? Neden Muhammed e inandilar?
Birincisi o donemde okuma-yazma orani o kadar dusuktu ki bu ayetleri inceleyeyebilecek insan sayisi cok azdi.
Ikincisi, bu ve benzeri carpikliklari farkedip dile getirilenler kafirlikle, munafiklikla, zindiklikla suclanip asagilaniyordu. Hatta Muhammed i sadece elestirmekle kalan sair Ka b Bin Esref gibiler bile bunu canlari ile odemistir. Dolayisiyla gercegi soylemek cok tehlikeliydi.
Ucuncusu, toplumsal statusu iyi olan muhalifler kalpleri Islama isindirilmak adina rusvet verilerek susturuluyordu (bkz. Turan Dursun un Rusvetle Musluman Olanlar adli makalesi).


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