14 Ağustos 2016 Pazar

27 Images That Prove That We Are In Danger. I’m Speechless

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From: T.C. - Birol Akkerman <sehbir@gmail.com>

 27 Images That Prove That We Are In Danger. I'm Speechless

Not everyone is fully aware of the horrible effects of our lifestyle choices have on mother nature.These pictures say more than a thousand words.

1. The view over the overdeveloped metropole of Mexico City (with more than 20 million inhabitants).


2. An elephant killed by poachers left to rot.



3. The rainforest in flames – goats used to graze here.



4. Trails of excessive air traffic over London.



5. A massive truck delivers a load of oil sands for processing. Oil sand is considered the energy source of the future.


6. A simple herd farmer cannot withstand the stink of the Yellow River in Inner Mongolia.



7. A waste incineration plant and its surroundings in Bangladesh



8. A fire storm plows through Colorado – increased incidences of wild fires is a result of climate change.



9. The scars left behind from the mining of oil sands in the Canadian province of Alberta.



10. A nighttime spectacle in downtown Los Angeles – the energy demand is unfathomable.



11. In Oregon, this thousand year old forest fell victim to the chainsaw for a new dam.



12. The area around Almeria in Spain is littered with greenhouses as far as the eye can see – simply for a richly filled dinner table.


13. Poachers pose proudly with the coat of a Siberian tiger.



14. The Mir Mine in Russia, the largest diamond mine in the world.




15. A dead albatross shows what happens when we litter. A living dumpster.


16. And yet another megatropolis – a bird's eye view of New Delhi (over 22 million inhabitants).


17. Paradise almost lost: the Maldives, a popular vacation spot that is threatened by rising sea levels.


18. The beginning of Black Friday at an electronics store in Boise, Idaho.


19. Tons (literally) of broken electronics end up in developing countries and are stripped for precious metals by using deadly substances.


20. The blunder of the Brazilian rain forest is being repeated here in Canada.



21. A landfill for worn-out tires in the desert of Nevada.



22. While the entire world watched the events of Fukushima, a massive heat and power station was burning just a few miles away. All attempts to extinguish it were fruitless.


23. This polar bear starved to death in Svalvard, Norway. Disappearing ice caps are robbing polar bears of both their living space and food.


24. To the last drop: an oilfield in California and its merciless overexploitation by humans.


25. A massive waterfall from melting pack ice. These masses are the only meltwater on earth and the undeniable proof of how swiftly climate change is advancing.


26. A lignite power plant contaminates the air with its emissions.


27. The Indonesian surfer Dede Surinaya rides a wave of filth and trash (Java, Indonesia).




Calisan kotuluk dusunemez, calismayan da kotulukten kurtulamaz.


Islam da zorlama yoktur (K.BAKARA 256)
Islam dan gayri bir dine yonelenler sapiktir! (K.IMRAN 85; Tevbe 33 ),
Musrikleri nerede gorurseniz oldurun! (K.TEVBE, 5
Ya da Islam a aykiri bir inanista ise analariniz, babalariniz, yakinlariniz icin magfiret dilemeyin, onlarin namazini kilmayin vs.. (ornegin K.TEVBE 23, 84, 113; AZHAB 60-61)

Tarihte emsali gorulmemis olan bu vahsetin faili Ermeniler olup, Muslumanlar ancak namus ve hayatlarini muhafaza kaydiyla mukavemet ve mudafaada bulunmuslardir.
Yirmi gun devam eden Maras katliaminda Muslumanlarla birlikte sehirde kalan Amerikalilarin bu hadise hakkinda Amiral Bristol a cektikleri telgraf, facia sebeplerini, tekzip edilemez bir sekilde tayin etmektedir.
General Keret in geri cekilmesiyle neticelenen bu muharebelerden sonra Kuvayi Milliye ye teslimiyet arz eden muharip Ermeni kuvvetlerine karsi hicbir ceza tatbik etmeyip bilakis onlari sefkatli sinesine ve himayesine alan milletimizin alicenapligini Maras Ermenileri de minnet ve sukran ile teyit etmektedirler.
Su halde Ermenilerin intikam fikri ve tecavuzleri neticesi meydana gelmis bazi vakalar var ise, bunlarin mesuliyeti milletimize degil bizzat Ermeni milletine ve onun tahrikcilerine ait olmak lazim gelir.

(20 Subat 1920)

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